Who are the Church Fathers?
The Church Fathers are the group of Christians who immediately followed the Apostles and the subsequet generations of Christians after them until approximately the 8th century. These were the first bishops, priests, preachers and theologians, many of whom are Saints, who helped form the new Christian faith
Why do the Church Fathers matter?
The Church Fathers matter because they serve as both the greatest contributors to the Catholic faith other than the Apostles as well as the pivotal Christians that lived between the Apostles and later generations of Christians, including our own. They are the first links in the chain of Apostolic Tradition.
What do the Church Fathers provide?
The Church Fathers provide an enormous amount of writings ranging from defenses of the Christian faith, inspirational homilies that are still used by pastors today and, most importantly, they provided the Catholic Church with the form of the Liturgy, the Mass, our greatest means of worship and prayer.
Are there any "Church Mothers"?
YES. Some examples of them are St. Blandina, St. Perpetua and St. Felicity, St. Helena, St. Thecla, St. Agnes of Rome, St. Macrina, Proba the Widow, St. Marcella, St. Paula, St. Eustochium, St. Monica (mother of St. Augustine), Egeria the Tourist.
You can read about them in Mike Aquilina's book "Mothers of the Church: The Witness of Early Christian Women."
What is the "historical argument"?
The historical argument in this context is the argument that the Catholic Church has maintained the core beliefs of the Apostles and the first Christians following them.
This shows that the Catholic Church really is the Church that Jesus Christ founded because it has stayed consistent with these beliefs.
Why is the "historical argument" convincing?
The historical argument is convincing because it bears the weight of Christ and the Apostles. Contrary to some who would claim the Catholic Church invented various beliefs that it holds today, the evidence of the Church Fathers shows that these beliefs were not invented but passed on through the Tradition of the Church.
Who has been affected by the "historical argument"?
Blessed Pope John Paul II: 264th Bishop of Rome. Leading force behind the compilation and publication of the updated Catechism of the Catholic Church, which quotes heavily from the Church Fathers, most prominantly from St. Augustine.
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman: Convert to Catholicism. Author of numerous essays, books of poetry, fiction, lectures and homilies. Helped found the Catholic University of Ireland. Quoted as saying, "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant."
Pope Benedict XVI: 265th Bishop of Rome. World renowned theologian and bible scholar. Author of two books profiling the lives and works of the Church Fathers.
Dr. Peter Kreeft: Professor of Philosophy at Boston College. Author of numerous books. Popular Catholic apologist. Hear his conversion story here.
Marcus Grodi: Convert to Catholcism. Host of EWTN's The Journey Home, which profiles converts to Catholcism. He is also the founder of The Coming Home Network International, an organization that provides support for Protestant ministers who convert to Catholicism and lose their jobs.
Dr. Scott Hahn: Former Presbeterian Minister. Professor of Theology at Franciscan University in Steubenville Ohio. Author of numerous books on Catholic Theology. Prominant Biblical Scholar. Hear his conversion story here.
Rev. Alex Jones: Former Pentecostal Pastor. Deacon in the Catholic Church. Author of No Price too High! Catholic speaker. Hear his conversion story here.
Michael Cumbie: Former Southern Baptist preacher. Catholic speaker and musician. Founder of The Micah Project, an apologetics ministry. Hear his conversion story here.
Steve Ray: Convert from Baptist to Catholic. Catholic author, speaker and Holy Land Tour Guide. Producer of the Footprints of God DVD series, one episode of which focuses on the Church Fathers. Hear his conversion story here.
Tim Staples: Former Assemblies of God Youth Minister. Director of Apologetics and Evangelization for Catholic Answers, a San Diego-based apologetics organization to help Catholics defend their faith. Hear his conversion story here.
Jimmy Akin: Former Protestant studying to be Pastor and seminary professor, now Senior Apologist for Catholic Answers. Author of The Fathers Know Best, a book outlining the Catholic beliefs of the Church Fathers. Regular contributor to Catholic publications.
Fr. John R. Willis, S.J.: Jesuit priest and theological historian. Former History Professor and Dean at Boston College. Author of The Teachings of the Church Fathers.Considered the foremost expert in Patristics, the study of the Church Fathers, of his time.
Mike Aquilina: Church historian. Author of numerous books focused on the Church Fathers and Mothers. Host of numerous radio and television programs profiling many of the Church Fathers. Former editor of two Catholic magazines. Blogs forfathersofthechurch.com
Dave Armstrong: Catholic convert, blogger and author. Author of numerous articles in Catholic publications. His website, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, is the recipient of a "Catholic Website of the Year Award".
Books/Works of the Church Fathers:
Dialogue with Trypho - St. Justin Martyr
First Apology - St. Justin Martyr
Second Apology - St. Justin Martyr
Against Heresies - St. Irenaeus of Lyons
The Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve - Unknown Christian Author
On the Trintiy - St. Augustine
The Collected Letters of St. Ignatius of Antioch
On the Incarnation - St. Athanasius of Alexandria
Find more books/sermons/letters of the Church Fathers at New Advent by following the link here.
Books about the Church Fathers:
The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 1 - Pope Benedict XVI
The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 2 - Pope Benedict XVI
An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine - Bld. John Henry Newman
The Fathers Know Best - Jimmy Akin
The Fathers of the Church - Mike Aquilina
The Mass of the Early Christians - Mike Aquilina
Why is That in Tradition? - Patrick Madrid
The Bible and the Liturgy - Jean Cardinal Danielou
The Teachings of the Church Fathers - Fr. John R. Willis, S.J.